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help understand

Started by rocky, July 30, 2016, 05:10:45 AM

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i was talking to a knowledgable chap n he told me that the criteria for diagnosis of diabetes has been changed over the years
like it was 140 some years ago n now it is 110
then the after meals were 160-180 after 2 hrs n now that is down scaled to 140
he says that drug companies r responsible for this n therefore more people r being said to be diabetic for sales n profit
how true is this assertion
can u throw some facts so i can bring up the subject again
My life is based on a true story.


We're talking about type 2 diabetes now, of course (type 1 is another breed of cat altogether), and I think different docs/labs/etc., have different criteria. The basic reason for the lowered numbers is that medical advancements determined that levels higher than 140 cause damage to our bodies - especially the retinas of our eyes, our vascular system, heart & kidneys, and our extremities - toes/feet/legs. So the prevailing opinion around here is that staying quite a ways under 140 is a good idea, just to allow for variation in our meters, and to give ourselves a buffer zone against any damage happening.

The drug companies prob'ly do make money off the more advanced cases of diabetes, because insulin is very expensive, but the first line of defense - metformin - has been around for a very long time and is very cheap. Embracing the LCHF way-of-eating is even cheaper, since many patients don't even need meds because LCHF works so well.

Perhaps this fella just has a more cynical view of things - is he diabetic himself? I wouldn't take his word for it . . . it's too important for us to maintain tight control to take anything for granted. Whatever the medical criteria is, we strive to achieve and maintain normal non-diabetic levels. It isn't the diabetes per se that kills us - it's the high blood sugar caused by untreated diabetes. As long as we keep our blood sugar down to those non-diabetic levels, we may technically still be diabetic, but it can't hurt us because we keep our levels as close to non-diabetic as possible.


 ~whs~ We need another one saying "What she said"
~sup~ And this signifies many more "Likes"
No meds since June 2011
Controlled by Diet & Exercise
Member of 5% A1c Club

Blog : Metabolically Challenged

You Tube Channel HEALTHY WEIGH


I've also heard this argument before. Have you visited Blood Sugar 101 site. You will find the links to the research papers there. Some things need to be re-learned. So if there are valid reasons for that change then that's fine.
Partner of a Diabetic T2



Quote from: rocky on July 30, 2016, 05:10:45 AM
i was talking to a knowledgable chap n he told me that the criteria for diagnosis of diabetes has been changed over the years
like it was 140 some years ago n now it is 110
then the after meals were 160-180 after 2 hrs n now that is down scaled to 140
he says that drug companies r responsible for this n therefore more people r being said to be diabetic for sales n profit
how true is this assertion
can u throw some facts so i can bring up the subject again

You have used several items that come from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE).

In 2000, the ADA gathered a group of "experts" and did lower the point of diagnosis from 140 to 126.  The 180 after meals and at bedtime has not changed and is a dangerous level which will bring on the complications. 

In 2003, another group of "experts" gathered by the ADA declared the range of 100 to 125 as prediabetes.  Most doctors laughed at this and refuse to recognize this as they do not understand that the pancreas loses some of its insulin producing during this range and the kidney and heart disease does have a start during this phase.  Those doctors that have read their research do treat their patients and work with them to help them make lifestyle changes and many prescribe metformin (off-label) because the FDA has not approved metformin for this use to help those that cannot (because of disabilities) make some lifestyle changes or are nearer the 125 mark. 

The reading of 140 is where the AACE likes to see us below for two hours following meals and at bedtime and with this reading, less damage is likely to occur, although this will vary greatly by individual.

This is one reason some of us prefer blood glucose fasting levels and premeal meal levels to be between 70 and 95.  Then we also like out 1-hour readings to be less than 120 and our two hour readings to be less than 110. 

Eating a LCHF moderate protein way of eating makes this possible for many of us and we occasionally get higher when we eat away from our own tables and miss some of the hidden sugars in some foods. 


Some very informative posts. Thank you Shanny and Bob.
Diabetic ?


Wow, I learned a lot in this thread!  Every time I visit, I learn something new. Just wish I had more time to read here.


so the reduction has been for the better n not for commerce
i will check the site that has been given
i think i hv seen it in the past
My life is based on a true story.


Not saying commerce never gets its paws on it, but yeah - there's sound medical data for keeping blood sugar as low as possible, while staying above 70.  ;)