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Started by Shanny, November 05, 2017, 01:07:50 AM

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A link to this article is always available at the top right of our board, but it seems like a good idea to repost it just for good measure. This forum is one of the few diabetic gateways that supports this way-of-eating as a solid method of controlling blood sugar, and here's why - it WORKS!

Low-carb/High-fat Way-of-Eating

Take special note of the fact that lowering carbs isn't the only facet of this plan - it's of vital importance that you replace carbs with LOTS of natural saturated & unsaturated fats. You literally cannot get too much fat. So load up your menus with all the butter & cream cheese you can get, as well as the fattiest meat & poultry. Fat adds flavor and gives food a wonderful mouth-feel. In the absence of carbs, it's the greatest food there is.