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Fasting BG 2016

Started by skb, March 04, 2016, 09:26:08 PM

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95 (5.26) this morning.  We are 10° warmer this morning so above freezing, just.  Looking like a good chance for some rain this weekend.  That would be welcome indeed.
I have a PET Scan scheduled for this afternoon as part of the continuing quest to determine why my Calcium went so high.  The day before the test requires a diet low in carbs and as the lady read off all of the things I was not supposed to eat I was chuckling and when she was done I said " you just described my diet every day".  She got a kick out of that.  I know you have to drink a sugar solution with radiation which sticks to cancer cells and that is the purpose of the test.  It's going to be interesting to see the results.
@Shanny, I have never taken  Lasix  so I have no experience with it.  I have taken HCTZ for many years and never noticed any problem with it though.
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.5%   10/23/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


131 this morning and after prolonged stress with trying to get my phone fixed through Apple, I was not surprised at the elevated number.

@Wally - Best wishes on the PET scan today.
@Shanny - There was only one definitive diagnosis for grandson and that was an ulcer in his stomach.  They've tried various diets such as gluten free, dairy free, low carb and high carb.  They've also been doing the test where they go down his throat and have a look see at his stomach on a semi regular basis.  He continues to gain slowly, I'm not even sure the doctors can explain it.  He ended up seeing a specialist at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee, which is one of the best known ones in the Midwest.  He now enjoys food once again where before when he was sick, he ate saltine crackers and nothing else.  It is a pleasure to have him dig into a helping of mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese.  This Thanksgiving will be a far cry from last Thanksgiving when he sat and cried because he was so nauseous.
Type 1, Tslim X2 pump, Dexcom G6
A1C 6.2% ~ Mar 2021

"I will forever remain humble I know I could have less.
I will always be grateful I know I have had less."


A few free minutes to report in.  Yesterday was exhausting!  Left home at 8:50am got to DD's (dear daughter's but I like "darling" too) at 7pm.

No big to report, on vacation... but something even better DD's soon to be spouse is pregnant!! Due in April.  Not only am I thrilled they are getting married, but also thrilled to be a gramma again!!   :)

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%  A1c 6/12  5.7%  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16
12/16 5.1%  6/18 5.3%  6/19 5.7%  6/20 5.7%  7/21 5.2%  8/22 5.5%  7/23 6% 7/24 6.8%  1/25 6.4%
Off meds 3/2015  Back on meds & diet 7/2024  


First, let me congratulate you on new grandchild! 

I have run in the '90's all week it seems.  Good thing since our T'giving week is approaching and then C'mas will be upon us.  Hope I can basically stay on the diet over the holidays.


Wally, Best Luck.
Bigskygal, Double Congrats.
And a well done for me  ;D
98 today
My life is based on a true story.


230 this morning.

Congratulations, Bigskygal!

Prayers for the PET scan, Wally!

And an "attaboy" for Rocky!

My oncologist gave me oxycodone for pain yesterday, but I'm avoiding it like the plague. I hear too many stories about the stuff!

Using T-Slim pump and Dexcom G6 CGM with Control IQ.

"In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on." Robert Frost


93 (5.15) this morning.  Still looking like a good chance for rain Sunday night.  We were at 32° this morning but I don't expect to see any snow.
PET scan was pretty easy, just have to lie still for 20 min. going through a tube.  You are given an injection of a sugar solution that is radioactive and I was concerned about how it would affect my bg but I tested when I got home and it was 86 so no problem there.  Results in 2-3 days.
I also saw my Gastroenterologist regarding blood in my stool when I was in the hospital and I expected to be set up for a Colonoscopy but he wants to check the small intestine instead so I get to swallow a camera !  I go in in the morning and am fixed with a harness with a recording device and swallow a pill that is a camera and return 8 hours later and have the recorder removed.  My how things just continue to amaze me.
@Grammabear, so glad your grandson is able to enjoy eating again.  Sad when kids have problems like that.
@ Bigskygal, yes, congrats for sure !
@ rocky, YEA !   ~hi5~

@Tamagno, I don't blame you for wanting to avoid depending on pain meds but sometimes it may just be necessary.  Still I agree, I would try to do without.

Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.5%   10/23/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


My orthopedic surgeon also prescribed oxycodone for my carpal tunnel surgery and I took one the first night to try it on for size . . . I didn't want to waken in the night with a throbbing hand. But my hand never throbbed - it never even ached. I don't see any difference in this and the Norco (hydrocodone) we've been using for years. I guess it's supposed to be stronger, but I didn't need anything stronger. I didn't need anything at all.


When I had my carpal tunnel surgery, both hands just three weeks apart, the surgeon told me that if a person has pain there is a very small chance that he/she will be addicted.  It is when the person no longer has pain and continues to use the pain meds, that addiction occurs.
Type 1, Tslim X2 pump, Dexcom G6
A1C 6.2% ~ Mar 2021

"I will forever remain humble I know I could have less.
I will always be grateful I know I have had less."


Our doc says essentially the same thing . . . patients get 'addicted' to being pain-free. When there's no more pain, most no longer need the drug.


Last year my husband had an emergency appendix operation and afterwards he had but one pain pill.  After that he said he didn't need them anymore.  A pill is a whole lot of relief when you have obvious pain.
Type 1, Tslim X2 pump, Dexcom G6
A1C 6.2% ~ Mar 2021

"I will forever remain humble I know I could have less.
I will always be grateful I know I have had less."


My life is based on a true story.


Type 1, Tslim X2 pump, Dexcom G6
A1C 6.2% ~ Mar 2021

"I will forever remain humble I know I could have less.
I will always be grateful I know I have had less."


93 (5.15) this morning, snap my yesterday !  Still predicting a 50% chance of rain tonight and right now the sky is covered with dark clouds so it may happen.  It already is further North so it's just a matter of if it gets this far South. 
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.5%   10/23/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


It rains a lot in this part of the world.
96 today. Seems like I have settled down in my 90s after all.  ;D
My life is based on a true story.