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Fasting BG 2016

Started by skb, March 04, 2016, 09:26:08 PM

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You were right. Friend came down with a viral flu and numbers are pretty high as of now. Will check again once normalcy returns.
Partner of a Diabetic T2


87 (4.8 ) this morning.  There is a front going through tomorrow but any rain will probably stay north of here.  Temps will certainly be lower, about 15° lower than  they have been for at least a week.
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/1/2023
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


82 (4.5) this hazy morning, 78 (4.3) at bedtime last night.

Off to last PT appointment!!

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%   A1c 6/12  5.7%.  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16.
12-16  5.1%.  6/18 5.3%.  6/19  5.7%.  6/20 5.7%.  7/21 5.2%.  8/22 5.5%. 7/23 6%. 7/24 6.8%.
Off meds 3/15, diet controlled.  Minimal exercise.


Quote from: bigskygal on April 21, 2016, 02:24:40 PM
Off to last PT appointment!!
Wonderful wonderful words! ♥ ♥ ♥


124 this morning.

Managed a bit more mowing yesterday. I think I may be able to avoid hiring someone to do it this year. While it's great having it done for me, I confess to being, um, frugal, and would prefer to save the money.

At only about five weeks away, retirement is near and my pesky emotions are running to the sad end of the spectrum.

It's my pride, you know, and I begin to suspect that with a number of other more important people also retiring, vis, the headmaster, academic dean, etc., that no one will note my leaving.

Well, it's really of no consequence as I'm a mere teacher of musical notes and the One to whom I answer continues to hold me close regardless.

Meanwhile, I continue to impress upon My Little Angels the matters of greatest importance while I've yet some time...

Using T-Slim pump and Dexcom G6 CGM with Control IQ.

"In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on." Robert Frost


92 (5.1) this morning.  We have a front going through and along with it lower temps and wind advisories. 
Tamagno, retiring is bittersweet, you have been working with many people that become friends and of course your students but once you have actually retired I think you will enjoy it.   
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/1/2023
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


82 (4.5) this cloudy morning, 81 (4.48) at bedtime last night.

Tamagno, I am sure you will be missed!! But now you get to go on a new adventure of your own choosing.

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%   A1c 6/12  5.7%.  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16.
12-16  5.1%.  6/18 5.3%.  6/19  5.7%.  6/20 5.7%.  7/21 5.2%.  8/22 5.5%. 7/23 6%. 7/24 6.8%.
Off meds 3/15, diet controlled.  Minimal exercise.


220 this morning.

I think we retire for two main reasons, vis, getting out of the way of youngsters who habitually think they know better and taking care of our health.

Yesterday turned out to be a wreck of the latter with glucose zooming to 400 and down to 30 - sometimes all the correction rules just don't seem to work.

Well, today's another day and will doubtless improve. My flute playing has taken a leap forward that is exciting; if I can get my voice to do the same I will feel ever so much better!

Using T-Slim pump and Dexcom G6 CGM with Control IQ.

"In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on." Robert Frost


86 (4.8 ) this morning.  Windy as all get out yesterday evening until about midnight then it was calm and the moon lit up the whole outside.  Clear and calm this morning and even though there is a wind advisory today until 5:00PM it looks like it has cleared out.  It won't break my heart if that is true.  :)
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/1/2023
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


Still down in the dumps. 180 today and still on pills for the UTI. Yuk.


80 (4.4) this steadily raining morning, 77 (4.26) at bedtime last night.

(((Maggie))) hope you feel better soon!

Looks like the weekend is going to be wet. All the leaves I need to rake, are now soaked again.  :(

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%   A1c 6/12  5.7%.  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16.
12-16  5.1%.  6/18 5.3%.  6/19  5.7%.  6/20 5.7%.  7/21 5.2%.  8/22 5.5%. 7/23 6%. 7/24 6.8%.
Off meds 3/15, diet controlled.  Minimal exercise.


190 this morning. Going shopping to get some low carb things in the house.


Another 101 mg/dl. Hope my meter is not stuck on that number.  ;D
No meds since June 2011
Controlled by Diet & Exercise
Member of 5% A1c Club

Blog : Metabolically Challenged

You Tube Channel HEALTHY WEIGH


234 this morning.

Maggie, UTIs are terrible; I'm surely prayerful yours finally gets knocked out very soon!

Tonight may be memorable as the lovely and gracious Dr. Laura (who some of you may recall is a shrink) and I are dining with our best friends, "Big Pharma," "IT Guy" and his wife "Wordsmith." The latter, while not diabetic, is totally on board with LCHF so it'll be a great meal!

Wordsmith's mom is now living with them and, for better or worse, I'm looking forward to meeting her. Quite a story with that family...

By the way Wally, I really like your new Avatar. I've recently discovered that all the old cartoons - including the "banned" ones - can be viewed on YouTube. They're amazingly sophisticated in so many ways and definitely worth a look.

Using T-Slim pump and Dexcom G6 CGM with Control IQ.

"In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on." Robert Frost


94 (5.2) this morning.  Wind advisory today and tomorrow with a 50% chance of rain this Thursday.  After next weekend it should start to warm up, that won't break my heart.
Yeah Tamagno, I always liked "Marvin the Martian".  I never thought of looking for old cartoons on YouTube, thanks for the info, I'll have to check that out.
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/1/2023
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"