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Fasting BG 2021

Started by skb, December 31, 2020, 10:11:08 PM

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106 this partly cloudy morning.

51° was yesterday's high, today's forecast is 48°/28° again with possible rain showers. None yesterday and hope for the same again today.

There is a local woman that does computer repairs, "Bev the Geek". I talked with her when my last laptop got the "pink screen of death" she sounded pretty knowledgeable. If I ever need any repairs I will go to her for sure.

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%  A1c 6/12  5.7%  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16
12/16 5.1%  6/18 5.3%  6/19 5.7%  6/20 5.7%  7/21 5.2%  8/22 5.5%  7/23 6% 7/24 6.8%  1/25 6.4%
Off meds 3/2015  Back on meds & diet 7/2024  


Quote from: Grammabear on March 23, 2021, 11:30:23 AMWe're trying to keep a lid on how much we use the computer until we can get it fixed.

It's best to get the fan replaced. CPUs can get really hot to the point of catching fire.

118 today morning.
No meds since June 2011
Controlled by Diet & Exercise
Member of 5% A1c Club

Blog : Metabolically Challenged

You Tube Channel HEALTHY WEIGH


111 this morning.

The last CPU fan that quit on me was on account of being clogged with dog fur. Might be worth checking it to just ensure there's nothing mechanical blocking it. Usually, though, replacing something like that should be pretty easy once you've got the part. Until then you could just put a small fan in front of it to draw cool air through the box.

Gosh, I haven't had an actual desktop PC with a tower since Windows XP days; little reason to have one now with laptops fast and cheap.

I watched "The Right Stuff" yesterday which is a really terrific movie especially if you're old enough to remember what the early days of space flight felt like to the general public. Of course, everybody down home in West Virginia was a big fan of Chuck Yeager and represented all that was great about Hill Billies of that era.
Using T-Slim pump and Dexcom G6 CGM with Control IQ.

"In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on." Robert Frost


95 today.  A bit cooler and really windy yesterday an we actually got a little bit of rain in the morning, just 0.1 inch but it got things wet.  Los Angeles area is getting rain and it is needed but here we mostly get wind.
I remember that movie Tamagno, liked it a lot.  Chuck Yeager was a hero of mine. 
Missing Grammabear so maybe her computer quit.  CPUs usually have protection and will throttle down or quit if they get too hot but they can also be damaged.  Tamagno was right that opening up the case and using a fan pointing into it can help.
I use a desktop because I like to build them myself and the one I have is way more powerful than I really need but it was fun to make.  I have a laptop but I got it only to use when traveling which doesn't happen much anymore.  I did get the MacBook and it is fun to use and get used to using the Apple Operating System.  My desktop is quite large and takes up a lot of space so the Mac M1 Mine looks appealing but to switch I would loose some of the programs that I have paid for like Photoshop and others.  I know there are ways to run Windows programs on the Mac OS but I don't know how well they work.
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.5%   10/23/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


114 this morning.

The CPU fan has quit working.  My husband called a friend of his who is excellent with computers and he will come this Saturday to look at the situation.

I have two laptops, neither of which I like because the screens are small compared to my desktop.
Type 1, Tslim X2 pump, Dexcom G6
A1C 6.2% ~ Mar 2021

"I will forever remain humble I know I could have less.
I will always be grateful I know I have had less."


107 this cloudy morning.

48° was the high yesterday, today's forecast is 45°/30° again with possible showers. Didn't have any yesterday hoping for the same again today.

Grammabear, glad you found someone to help you with the computer.

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%  A1c 6/12  5.7%  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16
12/16 5.1%  6/18 5.3%  6/19 5.7%  6/20 5.7%  7/21 5.2%  8/22 5.5%  7/23 6% 7/24 6.8%  1/25 6.4%
Off meds 3/2015  Back on meds & diet 7/2024  


104 today.

Covid cases are becoming a bigger concern with every passing day, especially in our state which is contributing more than 60% cases to the national numbers. There are talks of another lock-down which will surely be devastating.
No meds since June 2011
Controlled by Diet & Exercise
Member of 5% A1c Club

Blog : Metabolically Challenged

You Tube Channel HEALTHY WEIGH


98 today morning.

My neighbour whole family has tested positive. We are afraid to move out of the house.
Diabetic ?


83 this morning.

The news from India regarding The Plague isn't good, Sweety and SKB. Please do take both of you and stay careful!

Wally, it used to be that to run Windows programs on Macs you had to create a partition on the hard drive and then basically install Windows on that partition. I haven't paid much attention to that lately, but am thinking you might very well be able to do something similar with a thumb drive. It's a process that's always struck me as too clunky and slow, however. I think you're better off with dedicated machines as you're doing. Currently I've got machines running Mac OS, Windows 8, Windows 10, iOS, Android and the somewhat peculiar Android-like OS that comes with Amazon's Fire tablets. Each has various strengths and weaknesses so the choice becomes quite personal.

Using T-Slim pump and Dexcom G6 CGM with Control IQ.

"In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on." Robert Frost


91 this morning.

We also feel reluctant to go outside when we hear of friends or neighbors testing positive for Covid.  Stay safe skb and Sweety.

Our weather is in the upper 50s, but the wind is very strong and blows a lot during the daytime and nighttime hours.
Type 1, Tslim X2 pump, Dexcom G6
A1C 6.2% ~ Mar 2021

"I will forever remain humble I know I could have less.
I will always be grateful I know I have had less."


105 this morning.  It is still quite windy today which is normal for this time of year but warming up and we will be in the high 70s for the weekend.
Yeah Tamagno, I am pretty happy with the Windows computer I built and I invested about $1500 to build it so I am not in a hurry to get rid of it.  I was just intrigued by the size and power of the M1 Mac Mini.  So far I have liked the Mac OS I have been using on my MacBook and wouldn't mind changing to that OS but I have some programs that would require me to purchase the Mac version but I understand there are ways to run Windows programs on a Mac but I am not familiar with how.  I have heard of Parallels but I don't know anything about it. 
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.5%   10/23/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


102 this partly cloudy morning.

46° was the high yesterday, today's forecast is 48°/30°. It rained a little overnight but not enough to mess with the road thank goodness.

Do take care skb and Sweety. It just seems this will never end... I too stay inside and only go out when absolutely necessary.

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%  A1c 6/12  5.7%  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16
12/16 5.1%  6/18 5.3%  6/19 5.7%  6/20 5.7%  7/21 5.2%  8/22 5.5%  7/23 6% 7/24 6.8%  1/25 6.4%
Off meds 3/2015  Back on meds & diet 7/2024  


127 today.

I have to be at work everyday, there is no option. Hopefully I had the anti-bodies already and now I have the added safety of the 1st dose of the vaccine.
No meds since June 2011
Controlled by Diet & Exercise
Member of 5% A1c Club

Blog : Metabolically Challenged

You Tube Channel HEALTHY WEIGH


58 this morning.

Wally, I definitely enjoy having the latest tech, but doubt that many upgrades especially involving speed are much more than marketing hype. What seems odd is that I can't say that any device I have manages to incorporate quite all of what I would like (would it kill Apple to include a micro-SSID slot in tablets and phones?) Oh well, it's fun, isn't it?

I'm getting my second shot this morning. It'll be interesting to see if I have side effects this time.

Using T-Slim pump and Dexcom G6 CGM with Control IQ.

"In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on." Robert Frost


122 this morning.

We are getting our second shot on April 3rd and we are also wondering if we will have side effects.  A lot of people getting the second shot have said they do have something like the 24 hr flu, but then bounce back to normal right away.

I miss the good ole' days of being able to shop at the store and saying "Good Morning" to an acquaintance should we see such a person.  Now you can't tell hardly anything about a person because of the mask.
Type 1, Tslim X2 pump, Dexcom G6
A1C 6.2% ~ Mar 2021

"I will forever remain humble I know I could have less.
I will always be grateful I know I have had less."