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Food/BS Stats

Started by ShottleBop, March 09, 2016, 08:07:39 PM

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Thursday, March 6:
5:30 AM (FBG, before breakfast): 116
Breakfast: 3 slices pepperjack, TJ's GF Norwegian crispbread, coffee with heavy cream

7:48 AM:  104

12:30 PM (lunch): bunless bacon cheeseburger,  some fries

1:21 PM (before lunch):  100

2:34 PM: 108

4:57 PM:  106

7:11 PM (before dinner): 83
Dinner: omelet (Swiss, prosciutto, sliced turkey), Keto Pint low-carb ice cream bar, 1.5 oz. cinnamon vodka

8:34 PM: 95
Then snack:  Atkins keto wafer

Average for the day: 102

Macronutrients:  no clue

Calories:  no clue

Friday, March 7:

5:33 AM (FBG, before breakfast):  117
Breakfast:  3 slices provolone, TJ's GF Norwegian crispbread, coffee with heavy cream

10:35 AM (before snack):  120
Snack: IQ Bar (PB chip)

12:58 PM (before lunch):  118
Lunch: salad (grilled chicken, sliced cucumber, goat cheese, lettuce, blueberries)

3:25 PM:  108

3:55 PM (snack):  1 oz. sunflower seeds

4:25 PM (snack):  Kind Zero keto bar

6:36 PM (before dinner): 107
Dinner:  grilled tritip, sauteed kale, 1/4 cup peanuts

8:05 PM: 109

Average for the day: 113

Macronutrients: no clue

Calories: no clue