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Exercise / Workout thread

Started by skb, March 09, 2016, 10:37:06 PM

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7,568 steps yesterday. My knee is still not 100%.

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%   A1c 6/12  5.7%.  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16.
12-16  5.1%.  6/18 5.3%.  6/19  5.7%.  6/20 5.7%.  7/21 5.2%.  8/22 5.5%. 7/23 6%. 7/24 6.8%.
Off meds 3/15, diet controlled.  Minimal exercise.


Took a break today. Aches in some muscles so I thought it better to take a day off.
No meds since June 2011
Controlled by Diet & Exercise
Member of 5% A1c Club

Blog : Metabolically Challenged

You Tube Channel HEALTHY WEIGH


Quote from: skb on March 17, 2018, 03:49:04 AM
Took a break today. Aches in some muscles so I thought it better to take a day off.
A good decision I think.
8933 steps yesterday.  Quite windy all day so all of my walking was inside.  Another windy day today then it should calm down, for a couple of days anyway.  Then we have a good chance of rain .
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/5/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


8,016 steps yesterday. My knee is still wonky so I am not pushing getting lots of steps in each day.

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%   A1c 6/12  5.7%.  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16.
12-16  5.1%.  6/18 5.3%.  6/19  5.7%.  6/20 5.7%.  7/21 5.2%.  8/22 5.5%. 7/23 6%. 7/24 6.8%.
Off meds 3/15, diet controlled.  Minimal exercise.


Quote from: skb on March 17, 2018, 03:49:04 AM
Took a break today. Aches in some muscles so I thought it better to take a day off.

I have started taking too many breaks myself and that is something that I am not very happy about. But, I have not gained a single ounce of weight.

I think I will start this week.
My life is based on a true story.


8728 steps yesterday.  Another very windy day so stayed inside most of the day.  I think the wind is over for a couple of days but rain expected Wednesday and Thursday.
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/5/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


8,481 steps yesterday.

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%   A1c 6/12  5.7%.  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16.
12-16  5.1%.  6/18 5.3%.  6/19  5.7%.  6/20 5.7%.  7/21 5.2%.  8/22 5.5%. 7/23 6%. 7/24 6.8%.
Off meds 3/15, diet controlled.  Minimal exercise.


9608 steps yesterday.  I am a "fair weather walker" for sure.  It was around 68° yesterday with no wind so very nice outside.  I could have made 10K but I figured I was close enough and quit at 5:00 PM.
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/5/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


7,613 steps yesterday. Still babying my knee.

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%   A1c 6/12  5.7%.  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16.
12-16  5.1%.  6/18 5.3%.  6/19  5.7%.  6/20 5.7%.  7/21 5.2%.  8/22 5.5%. 7/23 6%. 7/24 6.8%.
Off meds 3/15, diet controlled.  Minimal exercise.


10,460 steps yesterday so I can still manage 10K.  The better weather and walking outside helped a lot.  Stormy weather starting tonight so I mat be stuck inside Wednesday and Thursday.
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/5/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


7,842 steps yesterday.

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%   A1c 6/12  5.7%.  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16.
12-16  5.1%.  6/18 5.3%.  6/19  5.7%.  6/20 5.7%.  7/21 5.2%.  8/22 5.5%. 7/23 6%. 7/24 6.8%.
Off meds 3/15, diet controlled.  Minimal exercise.


8006 steps yesterday.  I did good until about 3:00 PM and then it got cloudy, dark and the wind came up so I kind of quit for the day.  Heavy cloud cover this morning and we are expecting rain today and tomorrow.
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/5/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


6,571 steps yesterday.

Errands/shopping today. My knee is really killing me again...

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%   A1c 6/12  5.7%.  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16.
12-16  5.1%.  6/18 5.3%.  6/19  5.7%.  6/20 5.7%.  7/21 5.2%.  8/22 5.5%. 7/23 6%. 7/24 6.8%.
Off meds 3/15, diet controlled.  Minimal exercise.


My walker came today & I'm anxious to try it out. Mainly I need it to cross the yard between the house and the shop/garage building. It's very uneven topography & I get more & more wary of falling. I fell in the garage last week & made what I thought was a soft landing, but still have some scabs & bruises from it.  ~mad~


Oops. Hope you get well soon Shanny.

I've been very lazy lately and have not been going to the gym. And guess what, I've gained 4 pounds since then. Have to get started soon.
My life is based on a true story.