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Cooking with cream ☺

Started by Shanny, April 22, 2017, 08:10:03 PM

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We've been doing LCHF so many years that I forgot one vital thing . . . cream does not usually curdle but milk does.  :-\

I pan-fried a few steaks this evening & the drippings were beautiful, so I poured in some cream to make gravy. Because it was still a little too thick, I added milk instead of adding more cream. That's when I remembered that milk curdles a lot more easily than cream!


Oops. Hope the steaks were still good to eat.
My life is based on a true story.


The steaks were great, and honestly, the gravy was pretty good too! lol!  ;)


Yes, I make a lot of pan sauces and love cream sauces...or any kind of sauce. LOL