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T2 - new gene study

Started by skb, December 02, 2017, 10:19:25 PM

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A European consortium which looked into genetic expressions in beta cells of diabetic, prediabetic & non diabetic subjects has this to say ;

Notably, nine of these nineteen genes had never been shown previously to be dysregulated in diabetic islets. On the other hand, the study could not find evidence for any of these genes to be dysregulated in islets of prediabetic subjects, hence suggesting that their altered expression is a consequence rather than the cause of beta cell failure in diabetes. Hence, future studies shall be devoted to discover which genes are dysregulated prior to the demise of the beta cells. For this purpose, more islets must be collected from prediabetic subjects and this is precisely one of the main tasks pursued by the recently launched EU-IMI consortium RHAPSODY, which includes all four teams leading the present IMIDIA study as partners.

The full study is published in German, therefore this news story in English is posted here ;
No meds since June 2011
Controlled by Diet & Exercise
Member of 5% A1c Club

Blog : Metabolically Challenged

You Tube Channel HEALTHY WEIGH


Thanks. skb, a small suggestion. For people like me, it is very difficult to understand much of the language contained in these technical papers. It would be best if you could highlight the key points, like you have done here.That helps. Hope that is ok ?
My life is based on a true story.


"Type 2 diabetes, which affects more than 500 million people worldwide, results from the inability of beta cells in the pancreatic islets to provide the body with enough insulin to maintain blood glucose levels within the range for a healthy life."

What puzzles me is that as a T-2 diabetic it is clear that if I eat too much carbohydrates I know my body can't keep my bg from going too high but if I take a pill like a Sulfonylurea my pancreas is producing plenty of insulin.  Apparently the ability to produce the insulin is there but for some reason it isn't happening.  I know one of the problems is insulin resistance but is that the primary cause of high bg or just a part of the problem ?  Just something I ponder but I have never really seen a solution.
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/5/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"



That's a tough one to decipher like the chicken & egg analogy. At one of my earliest forums we had a long discussion on the issue. I don't know if you were there. I'm talking of the one with stalwarts like Subby & DeusXM. I took the key points out of that discussion into my blog post here;

Maybe this will help a little.
No meds since June 2011
Controlled by Diet & Exercise
Member of 5% A1c Club

Blog : Metabolically Challenged

You Tube Channel HEALTHY WEIGH


Thanks skb. I just had a glance at the page and it is too much for me to digest in one go. I will read it at leisure and might have a couple of questions. Please bear with me.  ;)
My life is based on a true story.


Gosh Shyam . . . I hadn't thought of Subby & Deus in such a long time. They sure taught us a lot of things, didn't they?


They sure did. There were so many knowledgeable people there. It was a great place to be. Foxl had last told me that one of them (don't remember which one) has a FB page. Grammabear was also on that forum. 
No meds since June 2011
Controlled by Diet & Exercise
Member of 5% A1c Club

Blog : Metabolically Challenged

You Tube Channel HEALTHY WEIGH


Ah nostalgia.
I remember some more, xMenace was there, Salim, both the Lindas  ;) and then there was that very funny guy who lived in a trailer (had also joined DF). There was a guy who was posted in Japan, who was also very knowledgeable. When Salim got kicked out, I followed him to DF, now we've been searching for him and don't know where he is. 
No meds since June 2011
Controlled by Diet & Exercise
Member of 5% A1c Club

Blog : Metabolically Challenged

You Tube Channel HEALTHY WEIGH


I've stayed in touch with xMenace (aka John Hansen). The guy in the trailer was Steve Boone, but I can't remember his user name.

I've just found xMenace on a 'pending' list and am wondering why he's never been approved. In fact, I tried to approve him, but don't know how.


Quote from: Shanny on December 04, 2017, 05:58:11 AM
I've stayed in touch with xMenace (aka John Hansen). The guy in the trailer was Steve Boone, but I can't remember his user name.

I've just found xMenace on a 'pending' list and am wondering why he's never been approved. In fact, I tried to approve him, but don't know how.

Bountyman ?
Type 1, Tslim X2 pump, Dexcom G6
A1C 6.2% ~ Mar 2021

"I will forever remain humble I know I could have less.
I will always be grateful I know I have had less."


Bountyman, Right.

Shanny, xM joined us a while back, but didn't post much. Recently, we created a new category of members called Pending. Anyone with less than 5 posts will go into that category and will need to have their new posts approved. That is why he is in that list.
I will look for a way to move some of these members to Newbie category, irrespective of their number of posts.
No meds since June 2011
Controlled by Diet & Exercise
Member of 5% A1c Club

Blog : Metabolically Challenged

You Tube Channel HEALTHY WEIGH


I think that's a good idea for strangers who come along, but this is a rather special situation when we're well acquainted with the applicant. Thanks for moving him up, skb.

And yeah - Bountyman is the one.


Quote from: Shanny on December 04, 2017, 02:43:32 PM
I think that's a good idea for strangers who come along, but this is a rather special situation when we're well acquainted with the applicant. Thanks for moving him up, skb.

And yeah - Bountyman is the one.

Bountyman is back at the 'other' DF forum only under a different name.  He doesn't post much - mostly just lurks as many of the former members do now.
Type 1, Tslim X2 pump, Dexcom G6
A1C 6.2% ~ Mar 2021

"I will forever remain humble I know I could have less.
I will always be grateful I know I have had less."


Yes he had joined up there. I wish there was a way to make them aware of our presence.
No meds since June 2011
Controlled by Diet & Exercise
Member of 5% A1c Club

Blog : Metabolically Challenged

You Tube Channel HEALTHY WEIGH


The sad way things broke up over there - the way the new owners of the forum intervened in forum business - I'd have to say it would take a small fortune to get me to go back.