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Fasting BG 2018

Started by skb, December 31, 2017, 09:30:52 PM

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128 this morning.

CCD, there are many, many such diners in New Jersey and are something of an institution there. Often they're identifiable by shiny, stainless steel-looking exteriors. The local residents will doubtless be glad to point you to their favorite.

Wally, I just can't imagine a black bear being so food deprived this time of year either, but this one must have developed a taste for sugar water along the way.

By the way, Wally, I seem to be going through a lot of charcoal this year. I've gone back to the regular briquettes as the hardwood chunks have gone way up in price, but I seem to have needed far fewer.

Somehow, I slept badly and got up too early last night but beyond doing a bit of mowing and cooking I've no grand plans so will nap ad libitum.
Using T-Slim pump and Dexcom G6 CGM with Control IQ.

"In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on." Robert Frost


Welcome back, Paulomi! <3 <3 <3

There's even one of those stainless steel diners down here in the Ozarks - St. Robert MO. They really ARE an American tradition. And the menu is very basic . . . great big burgers, meatloaf, milkshakes, chicken fried steak, etc. Stuff like I make at home, except for the milkshakes.


97 this morning.  It has cooled down and our high yesterday was 94° and there was a nice breeze.  The few days before when we were pushing 100° the breeze was HOT.  It was like opening an oven door.  Yesterday the breeze was nice and made it much more pleasant.
Tamagno, I used to use charcoal to BBQ when it was a weekend thing but now we BBQ so often we use a gas grill.  It may be lazy but it sure is handy.
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/5/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


99 this morning.

Hubby will grill out but usually only when son and grandson come to visit.  He claims it is too much trouble to get the grill going for just the 'two' of us.  :(
Type 1, Tslim X2 pump, Dexcom G6
A1C 6.2% ~ Mar 2021

"I will forever remain humble I know I could have less.
I will always be grateful I know I have had less."


105 this morning, 107 at bedtime last night.

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%   A1c 6/12  5.7%.  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16.
12-16  5.1%.  6/18 5.3%.  6/19  5.7%.  6/20 5.7%.  7/21 5.2%.  8/22 5.5%. 7/23 6%. 7/24 6.8%.
Off meds 3/15, diet controlled.  Minimal exercise.


128 this morning.

I'd bought a cheap charcoal grill a few years just to have on hand for emergencies, but now find I use it exclusively while my gas grill sits forlorn. While I generally used hardwood chips with the gas, I still find I prefer the flavor of charcoal.

A busy day today as I'll be braving the many exigencies of a trip to Costco...
Using T-Slim pump and Dexcom G6 CGM with Control IQ.

"In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on." Robert Frost


87 this morning.  Cooler this morning at 61° at 5:30 AM.  Definitely a drop from the 75° a couple of days ago.  Still looking at a high of around 96° today and it should be windy tomorrow.
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/5/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


125 this morning. Fell asleep in the recliner last night, woke up close to 5AM so no bedtime test. My sleep pattern has been totally disrupted since I had to get up so early for the colonoscopy prep. Today I really feel sick...

High today was 81°F, last night some thunderstorms passed through.

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%   A1c 6/12  5.7%.  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16.
12-16  5.1%.  6/18 5.3%.  6/19  5.7%.  6/20 5.7%.  7/21 5.2%.  8/22 5.5%. 7/23 6%. 7/24 6.8%.
Off meds 3/15, diet controlled.  Minimal exercise.


161 this morning.

Sorry you're poorly, BigSkyGal! Hopefully you'll quickly get back to your normal sleep.

Yesterday here was beautiful with sufficient sun and warmth to enjoy the outdoors and have open windows. Looking forward to much the same today.
Using T-Slim pump and Dexcom G6 CGM with Control IQ.

"In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on." Robert Frost


83 this morning.  A bit cooler yesterday and a light breeze but it is supposed to be quite windy today with a wind advisory starting at noon through tonight.
Barbara, I didn't really like the content of your post but my like was more of a  ~hug~
I hope you feel better soon.
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/5/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"


102 this morning.

Last night we had a 'ground-shaking' thunderstorm.  It was the kind that startles you awake and nearly shakes you out of your bed! :)  And of course we lost electricity momentarily several times and as we experienced the loss of power, I also lost the use of my cpap machine briefly.  We needed the rain however, so I guess Mother Nature felt it was time for a old fashioned thunderstorm.

I hope today will be quiet and peaceful for you BigSkyGal and that you feel much better by days end.
Type 1, Tslim X2 pump, Dexcom G6
A1C 6.2% ~ Mar 2021

"I will forever remain humble I know I could have less.
I will always be grateful I know I have had less."


110 this partly cloudy morning, 105 at bedtime last  night.

Still not feeling well, feel like I have been on a week long colonoscopy prep.  :(  Stomach really iffy. At least my back seems better...

Small thunderstorm rolled through this afternoon. Scary enough to put my cat under the chair again. He has been so traumatized since last summer's storm that dropped the tree on the house. Poor little guy.

T-2 dx 2/2012 FBG 243 A1c 9.5%   A1c 6/12  5.7%.  A1c 4% 7/13 to 12/16.
12-16  5.1%.  6/18 5.3%.  6/19  5.7%.  6/20 5.7%.  7/21 5.2%.  8/22 5.5%. 7/23 6%. 7/24 6.8%.
Off meds 3/15, diet controlled.  Minimal exercise.


132 this morning.

We had no storms out here, thankfully, and just a warm and at least partly sunny day. Today promises more of the same.

Wally, I thought maybe I'd have a number of cocktails to celebrate your birthday but have already broken my New Years resolution to start drinking...

Using T-Slim pump and Dexcom G6 CGM with Control IQ.

"In three words, I can sum up everything I've learned about life; it goes on." Robert Frost


125 this morning.

We had 3+ inches of rain yesterday and more last night.  The humidity is oppressive but maybe tomorrow will be better.

Barb - Sorry your Boo had to seek refuge under the chair.  Maybe when he comes out he will need some lap time with you.
Type 1, Tslim X2 pump, Dexcom G6
A1C 6.2% ~ Mar 2021

"I will forever remain humble I know I could have less.
I will always be grateful I know I have had less."


79 this morning.  The temp. wasn't bad yesterday at 94° but it was really windy all day.  It is out of here now and it is supposed to warm up.  Looking at 100° + beginning Tuesday.
Celebrated my BD this morning with scrambled eggs and ham and tonight steak.   ~hgr~
Type 2 since 1993.  Control with LCHF diet. 
A1c 5.4%   8/5/2024
Living in Mojave Desert, California, USA
"The 50-50-90 Rule.  Anytime you have a 50-50% chance of getting something right, there is a 90% chance you will get it wrong"